The Homeless Connect for 2025 has been set!
Our first Homeless Connect event on August 12, 2023, was a resounding triumph, and we are eager to replicate and exceed that success. The success of the inaugural Homeless Connect in 2023 inspires the team to continue supporting those in need. Our friends living on the streets deserve a day filled with rest, services, and joy. If we can provide them with one day of happiness during the year, then we are indeed making a positive difference. (Photographs, videos, data, and media links are available on our website: http://homeless-connect.com.)
Yes, we had funding issues last year but we are working strong to create another awesome Homeless Connect this August 9, 2025. This is not to say that we have 100% funding but we are prayerful!
We ask you to keep us in your prayers and thoughts as we embark on the journey to plan for the 2025 Homeless Connect! For continuous updates, please visit our websites at joshsheart.org and homeless-connect.com, as well as our Instagram and Facebook pages.
Please feel free to reach out to us (email) if you have any questions.
I very much enjoyed being a greeter at the event. I appreciated the chance to interact with a variety of folks and serve as their guide while supporting them in navigating the many services the event provided them with. I was in awe of how campus classrooms/departments were transformed into dentist and optometrist offices and loved the resource fair option to connect with services as well.
As a greeter, I wanted to balance showing people around with letting them explore on their own to foster autonomy. One guest in particular found me later in the day after I encouraged her to explore on her own and shared that she was looking for me to let me know that she was almost done and her last stop was to grab food.
We talked about her child and new pregnancy and her desire to get stable housing. Another guest shared with me her immense gratitude and appreciation for the event.
For me, connecting with people and building rapport was the most special part and I understand the two fold meaning of Homeless Connect- connection to resources/services as well as connection with other people.
From how the event was structured, I just knew it had been occurring annually for years! Upon finding out this was the first year, I was even more in awe. I am excited to witness the event continue for years to come.
Courtney H., Sac State Staff
We are still in need of funding to purchase items for future Blessing Backpacks (click link below) or, you can visit our Amazon Wish list at: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2FHSWN4H6IJ5Z/ref=hz_ls_biz_ex?
Our Mission is Two-Fold:
We desire to bring hope, love, and help to those afflicted by addiction and homelessness. In a world where those suffering can feel invisible, we have made it our mission to let them know that they matter.
“You Matter!”
We want to bring awareness to our community that everyone has a story, everyone matters, and tragic circumstances can happen to anyone. Josh’s Heart is for him. We created Josh’s Heart, Inc. to help others who are homeless and addicted because that was his heart, Josh’s Heart.
Josh Was Always a Sweet-Hearted, Sensitive Boy
Josh was a sensitive soul, who struggled with insecurities his whole life. He battled with low self-esteem, mild learning disabilities, and depression. He had a heart for the homeless and literally would cry at times when he saw them. In his teenage years, he tried alcohol, along with many others, and unfortunately this became his way to feel better. Alcohol first became his coping mechanism but quickly turned into an addiction.
What We Are DoingHow You Can Help

Giving 365
Help us to make a difference for those who feel cast aside and worthless due to their current circumstances. In a world where those suffering can feel invisible, we have made it our mission to let them know, “You Matter.”
Josh's Heart Homeless Connect 2025
August 9, 2025
The Homeless Connect for 2025 has been set! Our first Homeless Connect event on August 12, 2023, was a resounding triumph, and we are eager to replicate and exceed that success. The success of the inaugural Homeless Connect in 2023 inspires the team to continue supporting those in need. Our friends living on the streets deserve a day filled with rest, services, and joy. If we can provide them with one day of happiness during the year, then we are indeed making a positive difference. (Photographs, videos, data, and media links are available on our website: http://homeless-connect.com.) Yes, we had funding issues last year but we are working strong to create another awesome Homeless Connect this August 9, 2025. This is not to say that we have 100% funding but we are prayerful! We ask you to keep us in your prayers and thoughts as we embark on the journey to plan for the 2025 Homeless Connect! For continuous updates, please visit our websites at joshsheart.org and homeless-connect.com, as well as our Instagram and Facebook pages. Please feel free to reach out to us (email) if you have any questions.
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