Blessing Jackets & Stockings

2022 Blessing Jackets & Stockings delivered!

December 17, 2022

Josh’s Heart wants to thank everyone that bought jackets or donated money toward a jacket, we are so thankful! We went out, with a few volunteers, to the streets of Sacramento on Saturday, December 17th, and delivered 43 jackets and stockings.

2021 Stockings and Smiles Event in the books

December 18, 2021

In hopes to bring some joy to our friends on the street this Christmas season and to live out our mission to show everyone that they matter, Josh’s Heart did a Stocking and Smiles Event, along with handing out 30 new jackets.

This is love. Christmas on the street. Smiles. Prayers. Chats. New coats. Stockings. Messages sent that “THEY MATTER.” Thank you to EVERYONE who donated cash and items, filled a stocking, delivered with us, and prayed for us. We really wouldn’t be able to do this if it wasn’t for all the beautiful support of others who help. God is working through every one of you! Today was a good day!

God Bless You!

Don and Dawn

“Merry Christmas… I was at the first tent at the tent city by Target. I wanted to tell you thank you for the coat and the stocking. I want to also thank you for taking the moments you did with me and thank you for praying for my family and I. I wanted to share with you that your story has really touched my heart. I thank you again for giving me the happiest Christmas in years. Merry Christmas.” Ashli M.

Stay in touch with Josh's Heart or send us a note