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Upcoming Events
Past Events

2024 Blessing Backpack Assembly & Delivery
August 10 & 11, 2024
What a wonderful weekend and a great turnout for blessings all around. In cooperation with One Church Sacramento and Central International Fellowship (CIF), Josh's Heart assembled and distributed over 200 Blessing Backpacks filled with grooming essentials, summer items such as sunglasses and a ball cap, snacks and bottled waters. We also included Narcan nasal sprays and Fentanyl test strips. We also included 200 bagged lunch with two hot dogs, chips, and a cookie. We went out to the streets in south Sacramento to bless those on the streets. We had people join us at CIF to just rest and talk with volunteers.

2023 Blessing Backpack Delivery
October 28, 2023
Josh’s Heart and friends on the move! Winter Blessing Backpack Delivery! We got to meet and talk to some lovely people today, praise God!!!

2023 Blessing Backpack Assembly
October 26, 2023
We assembled 100 Blessing Backpacks on October 26th to be delivered on October 28th.

Inaugural Homeless Connect
The Josh’s Heart Homeless Connect is a 1-day event for the homeless guests to gather, meet with local and state agencies and other various agencies to receive services, food, music, and community.

Sacramento State's Love in Action
The Hornet Family helped to filled 100 “Blessing Backpacks” which include hygiene kits, snacks, and other essential items. for the homeless.

Josh's Heart Blessing Backpack Assembly and Delivery
On November 17th several of our friends gathered together to assemble 136 Blessing Backpacks. On November 18th, Pastor Josh, Dawn and Don delivered 80 of the Blessing Backpacks to Hiram Johnson High School. KOVR 13 was there to capture it!

2021 Stockings and Smiles Event in the books
In hopes to bring some joy to our friends on the street this Christmas season and to live out our mission to show everyone that they matter, Josh’s Heart did a Stocking and Smiles Event, along with handing out 30 new jackets.

2022 Blessing Jackets & Stockings delivered!
Josh’s Heart wants to thank everyone that bought jackets or donated money toward a jacket, we are so thankful! We went out, with a few volunteers, to the streets of Sacramento on Saturday, December 17th, and delivered 43 jackets and stockings.